Woman smiling while talking to customer representative in office

Personal Loans

If your car needs unexpected repairs you might need a loan. If you need to remodel your house you might need a loan. And if you decide you'd rather fly to Hawaii and not think about all that, then you'll definitely need a loan. Whatever the reason, Citizens Bank Minnesota can set you up with financing to fit your needs.

Our lending experts are people you know and trust. Because we are a community-owned bank, decisions about your loan are made locally. With years of experience and a strong commitment to the community, we will help you find a loan to meet your specific needs and circumstances, so you can concentrate on the reason you needed the loan in the first place.

  • Low interest rates
  • Flexible terms
  • Local decision making
  • Quick approvals
Students studying around a table

Citizens has scholarships for High School Seniors!

High School Seniors - are you attending post-secondary education? You could be one of our next scholarship recipients!