Welcome to Citizens Bank Minnesota's Media Center! Click on any of the links below to enjoy our videos. Some videos are educational and some just light-hearted fun. Check back often for new videos.
We're Not Just Your Bank
At Citizens Bank Minnesota, we're not just your bank. We're your friends, your neighbors, a part of the communities we serve. We are committed to providing you with the best customer service, products and services - because it is what we would want too!
Citizens Ultimate Minnesota Survivor!
We took four bankers out of their element and put them in some of the most grueling conditions imaginable...where is the latest season of Survivor taking place? Check out Citizens Survivor - Season 284!
Banking is FUN in 2021!
When the Minnesota Bankers Association challenged community banks to create a 30 second video showcasing why "Banking is Fun in 2021", we happily accepted that challenge, and won first place in their contest! There are so many reasons why banking is fun in 2021!
12 Days of Christmas at Citizens
Our clever and awesome employees came together to create a fun "12 Days of Christmas" video, Citizens style! There is never a dull moment around here, we are always ready to deliver the Ultimate Experience to our clients, going above and beyond. This video is proof of that!
WooHoo! We're the bank for you!
At Citizens we have the best products and services, and deliver the ultimate experience to our clients every day! We definitely take the boring out of banking. Check out our video to see why if we were you, we would "wanna bank here too"!
Save for your child's future with WooHoo! U!
You want the best for your child and their future! Start their journey down the road to financial security early with our amazing tiered rate youth savings account - WooHoo! U!
See why you should open an account today!
WooHoo! It's What We Do!
WooHoo! It's what we do at Citizens Bank Minnesota! We treat every client like an MVP! Slide on in to any of our locations to check out our grand slam products and services!
Top 10 Reasons to WooHoo! With Us
Citizens is the home of WooHoo! Banking®! We have all the banking products and services you need - our "Top 10 Reasons to WooHoo! With Us" video can help show you that!
"Top 5 Reasons To Use A Mobile Wallet"!
Reason #1 - Enhanced Security
Reason #2 - Organization
Reason #3 - Reduce Wear and Tear and Risk of Losing Card
Reason #4 - Convenience
Reason #5 - No More Pesky Forms
ATM's FREE Is The Way It's Meant To Be!

Who likes ATM fees? No one! That's why Citizens offers FREE ATM’s nationwide with WooHoo! Checking!
Citizens Mortgage: The Musical!

Citizens is proud to present, "Citizens Mortgage: The Musical!" We've saved front row seats for you in our Mortgage Department. Stop in for any of your Mortgage needs and you'll be treated to an amazing Mortgage experience!